How a mushroom coral goes for a walk without legs

A coral walks into a (sand) bar. This may sound like a joke. But new time-lapse photography shows new details of how a squishy, loner coral polyp without legs manages to “walk.” Instead of banding together to build coral reefs, mushroom corals typically live alone. From the outside, these corals (within the family Fungiidae) look…

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Bacteria and pesticides found in cannabis sold in Dutch coffee shops | Netherlands

Lead, pesticides and potentially harmful bacteria were among the contaminants found during an investigation into cannabis sold in semi-legal “coffee shops” in the Netherlands. The research, which aimed to establish a “baseline” level of typical contamination , was carried out by the Netherlands Institute of Mental Health and Addiction (Trimbos Institute). It will be used…

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What does the inauguration’s authoritarian-chic fashion tell us? Designers are suddenly eager to dress the Trumps | Rhiannon Lucy Cosslett

Mussolini once said that “any power whatsoever is destined to fail before fashion. If fashion says skirts are short, you will not succeed in lengthening them, even with the guillotine.” For that reason, far-right authoritarian movements have long attempted to capture the fashion system. We can argue endlessly about whether the new Trump administration can…

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