Do you need a bone scan?

How strong are your bones?  At least 1 in 5 women older than 50 in the U.S. have osteoporosis, but many don’t realize it.  Women 65 years and older should have a bone density scan to screen for osteoporosis, updated guidelines from the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommend. Osteoporosis is often described as a “silent…

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Alarm at plan for less-qualified probation staff to deal with sex offenders in England and Wales | Prisons and probation

Domestic abusers and sex offenders in England and Wales will be rehabilitated by less-experienced staff with fewer qualifications from June, prompting warnings from a watchdog that the plans must be closely monitored to ensure public safety. Proposals approved by ministers will roll out behaviour programmes for offenders to be delivered by “band 3” staff who…

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UK lenders paid car dealers cash upfront that may have led to costlier loans | Automotive industry

UK lenders paid “advance commissions” to car dealers that may have encouraged them to push costlier loans on to consumers, legal filings linked to the motor finance scandal reveal. Court documents seen by the Guardian show that lenders, including Lloyds Banking Group, have paid commission to individual dealerships in lump sums upfront, which campaigners say…

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