AI could transform health care, but will it live up to the hype?

Citations S.A. Shah et al. Use of artificial intelligence–based detection of diabetic retinopathy in the US. JAMA Ophthalmology. Vol. 142, December 2024, p. 1171. doi:10.1001/jamaophthalmol.2024.4493. R. Amin et al. Immune digital twin blueprint: a comprehensive mechanistic model of the human immune system. bioRxiv. July 31, 2024. doi:10.1101/2020.03.11.988238. J.W. Kim et al. Surgical robot transformer (SRT):…

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Cosmic rays could help reveal how tornadoes form

Supercell thunderstorms are known for their devastatingly gnarly tornadoes, but exactly how the twisters form is poorly understood. A new study suggests that scientists could glean hints with a little help from the cosmos. Muons, subatomic particles that are like heavy versions of electrons, could reveal the atmospheric pressure within a thunderstorm and resulting tornado,…

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How child soldiers heal after the trauma of war

Shadows into LightTheresa S. BetancourtHarvard Univ., $35 For more than two decades, Theresa S. Betancourt has followed the lives of children (now adults) who returned home after being forced to fight in the civil war that ravaged Sierra Leone from 1991 to 2002. Thousands of children unwillingly participated in the violent conflict as soldiers, spies…

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