Ghostly white northern lights present new auroral mystery

Mysterious ribbons of grayish white have been spotted woven through the northern lights. New images reveal that these ghostly glows can appear tucked within or curled up beside red and green auroras. But the pale lights are not auroras themselves, researchers reported December 30 in Nature Communications. Instead, they may arise through a similar process…

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Mole or marsupial? This subterranean critter with a backward pouch is both

Evolving a dig-in-the-dark mole lifestyle comes with radical anatomical changes, making it hard even to guess the animal’s closest relatives. That’s why the true identity of Australia’s most enigmatic and cryptic mammal, the marsupial mole, has been called into question for decades. The two fit-in-your-hand Notoryctes species are elusive. “I’ve never handled, or even seen,…

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