My ‘Chinglish’ has a cringe-inducing ocker accent – but I’m determined to pass it on to my child | Parents and parenting

My seven-month-old daughter lay on her play mat, each chubby fist clutching one puny foot. It was a perfect demonstration of the “happy baby” yoga pose. I wanted to tell her so in Mandarin. “Zhè shì kuàilè yīng’ér–,” I said. I stopped mid-sentence. Crap. What’s the Mandarin word for “yoga”? My daughter, all ruddy, dumpling…

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Midweek mashup: Alice Zaslavsky’s recipe for smashed green falafel flatbreads | Australian food and drink

Chickpeas are a fantastically versatile ingredient. Their transmutable texture has been delivering protein-packed, plant-based nutrient density for thousands of years. And if there’s one dish that offers a delicious dabble with chickpeas but can feel far too fiddly to faff around with after a whole day of activity, it’s falafel. Here, I’ve adapted my favourite…

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