It used to be that the only spending associated with pet ownership was on food, vet bills, a basket and the occasional treat or toy. No longer. These days there are glittery gold bow ties that claim to make your cat “look good, feel great”. There are Crocs and mouthwashes for dogs. There are puppy harnesses, bearing the different Harry Potter houses – and much, much more.
More than half of Britons share their homes with a pet, according to market research company Mintel (in the US, it is 73%) – and many consider themselves not just owners but parents. Dogs in particular are frequently treated as precursors to children – if not preferable. With pets’ new and enlarged role in our lives have come new and different ways to treat them. Analysis by Nationwide bank found its customers had spent nearly £52m on pets in the year to June 2024 – more than on childcare (£37.1m) or dating (just £986,000). But do these accessories actually benefit our pets, or do we risk doing more harm than good?
Costumes, clothing, coats
One of the more overt signs of what’s been termed the “humanisation of pets” is the boom in pet clothing, a market expected to grow to $7bn by 2032. Instagram is a driving factor, with “petfluencers” continually refreshing their looks with costumes and accessories.
Though some pets are more tolerant of being dressed up than others, it’s fair to say that few actively enjoy it – at least not as much as food, sleep or play. Experts aren’t fans, pointing out that clothing tends to be restrictive and can impede animals’ natural movement and expression.
“It’s not a pleasant experience for most cats,” says cat behaviourist Mikel Maria Delgado, from Sacramento, California. “You’ll see – they’ll flop over and struggle to get out of it.”
Delgado has known some hairless Sphynx cats to contentedly wear sweaters for warmth – but even those disadvantaged pedigrees may prefer a blanket or heated bed.
Most dogs are already equipped for most weather (and if it’s too hot, cold or otherwise extreme for you to want to go walkies, the conditions might not be appropriate for your dog, either). But some – especially older, ailing, smaller or short-coated dogs – may benefit from an extra layer through the colder months. Nick Jones, a dog behaviourist based in Worcestershire, says he has known some animals that would “literally tremble and shake” when outside in winter without a coat.
Jones puts a body fleece on his own mini goldendoodle, Ruby, after she gets wet, because her highly absorbent coat is slow to dry. “She looks completely ridiculous,” Jones admits – one onlooker crowed that she was “wearing pyjamas” – “but it’s all in the spirit of looking after the dog.”
A waterproof coat can also make owners’ lives easier by protecting long-haired pets from mud and dirt. But with any clothing, says Jones, function has to come first.
Body wraps, backpacks and buggies
It’s no surprise the experts are against playing dress-up with dogs and cats. Trickier is the gear that claims to improve their quality of life.
For anxious dogs, for example, there are body wraps and jackets – the best-known brand being ThunderShirt – that claim to provide reassurance during periods of separation, fireworks or other triggers. Jones’s experience has been mixed. “For one dog, putting a jacket on would be an overload on top of an overload – but for the next dog, it could be life-changing.” Even if the equipment seems effective, it is not a substitute for training and behavioural change, Jones adds. The same goes for anti-pull head collars and harnesses.
“It’s a tool,” he says. “It could help – provided we know that we’re never doing anything unethical or that could cause fear or harm to the dog.”
With the rise of indoor-only cats, walkies are no longer just for dogs. But “you can’t just slap a harness on them and take them outside”, Delgado says. “A lot depends on the area where you live, how busy it is and whether or not your cat is confident and comfortable in new situations.” If you believe your indoor cat would not only cope with a change of scenery, but benefit from it, Delgado says it’s important to get them used to wearing a harness gradually before taking them outside.
Then, if it goes well, it has to become routine. “If they really do like that activity, and you don’t provide it to them on a regular basis, they might start begging for it – so you can end up introducing new behaviour problems.”
There is no evidence that indoor cats are any less content than those that roam – but if space and budgets allow, an enclosed outdoor “catio” is a safe, relatively stress-free way of granting outdoor access.
As for the bubble backpack, popularised by Taylor Swift, who used one to cart around her Scottish fold, Delgado is unequivocal. “Hate them. Hate them! My main problem with them is you can’t monitor how comfortable your cat is in that situation – if they’re feeling scared, cornered or vulnerable – because you’re wearing them on your back.”
If you’re intent on taking your cat outdoors for extended periods, Delgado says a better option is a “pet stroller” – a bespoke pushchair, typically for smaller animals, which gives them more freedom to move and allows you to see them. It may sound like peak pet-ownership ridiculousness – but for dogs that are post-surgery, elderly, arthritic or otherwise immobile, a buggy ride might be a valuable way to enrich their life, says Samantha Butler-Davies, director of Pets at Home’s veterinary services arm.
“Let’s say your dog loves the beach, but can’t get there – it’s OK to put them in a buggy … But the majority of dogs are designed for all four paws on the floor.” The same applies to protective booties, Butler-Davies adds, which are only necessary if a vet says so.
Shampoos, scents and dyes
According to Mintel, pet owners see bathing and grooming their pets as bonding experiences. You wonder if their pets would say the same.
Pet shops today have shampoo aisles to rival those in big supermarkets, with much the same focus on scents, natural ingredients and skin barrier protection. Cats are self-cleaning, and there’s more of a risk of over-washing than under-washing dogs, says Butler-Davies – save it for when your pet is actually dirty: “Some dogs never need a bath.” Always use a pet-specific shampoo, and start with one that’s mild and unscented until you are sure of your pet’s sensitivity levels, she says. “Make sure there’s no reaction when you use it – the skin doesn’t look red, the dog doesn’t get very itchy … And wash it off fully – just as you would with a human.”
The same goes for dyes – which are made for use on poodles and other white and light-coloured dogs. “There are questions in my mind about their safety,” says Jones. He also wonders what signals they send about the dog-human bond. “I’m trying not to judge people that do that to their dogs,” he says, carefully, “but I do think: ‘What’s your relationship?’”
Emma Milne, a vet, author and animal welfare campaigner, is more blunt. “The main question I have with all of these things is: is there a benefit to the animal? And if there isn’t – even if there is no detrimental effect perceived by the owners – then it shouldn’t be done.”
Food supplements, sports drinks … mushrooms
Tellingly, wellness trends for pets – mostly dogs – overlap almost exactly with those for humans. There are prebiotics and probiotics, multivitamins, turmeric supplements and electrolyte drinks. Pets at Home even sells immunity-boosting Super Shrooms – a 120g bag costs £46.
None of these supplements are likely to be necessary if you’re feeding your pet a complete and balanced diet. “Pet nutrition is so good now, you shouldn’t ever need to supplement unless they have a medical condition,” says Milne.
Though interest is increasing in raw or home‑cooked diets for pets, they carry the risk of missing vital nutrients, so approach with caution and in consultation with your vet. It is the same with supplements, says Butler-Davies. “You’ve got to make sure that what you’re giving your dog or cat is necessary … There are sometimes things out there that I think are fads.” Finally, always buy from a reputable source. In a reflection of the current demand for these products, counterfeit pet supplements were identified on Amazon, and removed from sale last year.
Treats – and toys
According to the American Kennel Club, most dogs prefer beef and pork over chicken and lamb – but they also typically enjoy variety, and have individual preferences, just like us. The infinite range of treats available means it’s easy to appeal to their different tastes and keep them motivated through training.
“Some like soft treats, some like crunchy treats – it depends on what they fancy,” says Butler‑Davies (though older pets may find the former more manageable). But some pet treats seem intended to appeal to owners more than to their animals. “It’s not unusual to see ice-creams for dogs, beer for dogs – you name it,” says Jones.
There’s also a line of feline wine, Pinot Meow and MosCATo, which featured on Shark Tank, the US version of Dragons’ Den. Such products may open wallets, but the underlying appeal is in imagining your pet as a human. Your cat doesn’t appreciate that her treats are Easter themed; your dog isn’t expecting a yoghurt-frosted muffin (or “woofin”) for her birthday. “A lot of it is unnecessary whimsy, and human substitution,” says Milne.
Spoiling pets with anthropomorphic treats can be “quite detrimental” and may lead to obesity, rates of which are reportedly high. Instead of food, you could treat your pets with a toy. Indoor cats in particular need lots of variety as they are entirely dependent on the habitat you create – at least two scratch posts or pads, as well as different toys.
Some pet toys are quite hi-tech, with balls and whirligigs that move by themselves. But Delgado says the most effective way to engage your cat is with a simple wand toy, moving it like prey to bring out their hunting instincts.
With dogs, too, finding toys that tap into their particular drive can help to “redirect” destructive or problematic behaviour, says Butler-Davies. Breed, size, age and personality are all relevant; a vet or pet shop employee can help identify something suitable.
But most animals won’t play independently for long, which gets to the growing issue with pet ownership and how we decide to spoil them: they benefit less from our spending sprees than from our attention and care. “If people want to treat their animals,” says Milne, “they should make time for them, play with them, go for a walk.”