Sunday with Nina Sosanya: ‘I’ll eat whatever rubbish happens to be in the fridge’ | Sunday with…

Lie-in or early start? I’m a horrible sleeper – I spend very little time in the bedroom – and I’ll read until the rest of the world wakes up. On an ideal Sunday morning I’d go for a walk with binoculars. I like bird-watching.

Favourite bird? The house sparrow. They’re in decline, so they’re more interesting than they would seem, and they’re full of character.

What’s for breakfast? I’m not a foodie. I love food but don’t have any interest in dressing it up myself. I’ll eat whatever rubbish happens to be in the fridge. Yoghurt, nuts and toast. We don’t set the table unless we have people over. The table is usually for board games.

Work day or sacred day? I’d like it to be sacred, but it’s not. A lot of theatres are doing Sunday shows now, though I haven’t come across that yet. If you’re filming, you sometimes work on Sundays because of location availability, or you might be travelling.

Monday dread? Every Sunday I count my blessings that I’m not going to school the next day, because however bad things are, at least I’m not doing that. It used to start at lunchtime – you could feel it creeping up on you. I’d never have my homework done despite the anxiety and dread. You can see where my insomnia comes from, putting everything off, worrying about it into the small hours.

Sundays growing up? We lived in London, but we used to go to my aunt’s house in Lincolnshire every weekend. We’d have Sunday lunch cooked by my mum, nan, aunt and sometimes my uncle. I didn’t really appreciate it then. I just wanted sausages and beans. Then we’d have to drive back home. Sunday night was always a bit traumatic because they had a lovely house in the country with lots of animals.

Sunday hobbies? I like doing DIY. I’ve got a mini workshop in our tiny cellar where I have lots of hand tools – I’m teaching myself joinery. If I’m not doing that, I watch other people online making things, which I find really relaxing.

Beauty regime? I’m the opposite of that. I’ve never managed to do anything so organised. The word regime terrifies me. I wear the clothes that turn up on the floor.

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