Notes on chocolate: Hunt for these Easter eggs when you want a little indulgence | Food

This week, Gabriella Cugno’s new masterpiece landed on my desk. Cugno (chocolatier to 2023’s Wonka film) makes eggs like no one else. They are heavy – the thickest I’ve ever come across and the opposite of what I wrote of last week (‘Simple milk chocolate eggs’). Her latest work of art is the smoky, caramelised almond and hazelnut praline egg with bits of chilli and salted caramel (other versions are available, but all on similar lines, including vegan). These are my ideal eggs in terms of inclusions. I get excited just looking at them.

Cugno makes every one, so they are limited edition and start at £44 (the eggs are sent out a week before Easter). If they’ve sold out, go on the waiting list for next year. They’re worth it.

At the other end of the scale, Waitrose has done three detour-worthy offerings that everyone should get. The Caramel Sam Eggcups, £4.50, reminded me of something from childhood: creamy milk chocolate with a salted caramel filling, sweet in all senses, and delicious. Buy a packet for everyone you know, big and small. The Blue Eggs, £7, are also salted caramel, a super-pretty pale blue blond choc outer with milk chocolate and caramel filling.

In terms of treat, I think the Duo Eggs, £7, were my favourite. More salted caramel (I know, I know) in half the egg and hazelnut praline in the other half. These are as close to the old Creme Egg experience (if tangibly nothing like them) as you can get now.

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