May I suggest that the beleaguered gentlemen of Flamstead should invest in a billycock hat (‘It clawed the back of my head’: the Hertfordshire village harassed by a hawk, 14 March). This original Victorian bowler hat was designed as protective headgear for working men and is still available. The hemispherical reinforced construction should provide more than adequate protection from the assaults of their avian aggressor.
Trevor Hockin
Bewdley, Worcestershire
Re your editorial on chess (14 March), I’d like to put in a plea for a mention of the ancient east Asian board game Go, an intellectual activity on a par with chess and deserving of similar attention from thinking people?
Dr Steve Heavens
Hay-on-Wye, Herefordshire
Re playground insults (Letters, 12 March), I’m at the other end of the age spectrum and find substituting “Trump!” for a range of expletives to express frustration at my increasing inability to perform simple tasks almost as satisfying.
Dr David Morgan
Radcliffe-on-Trent, Nottinghamshire
Some years ago, I was invited to see a film at Bafta. It was the opposite of every previous cinema experience: the film started immediately without ad or trailers, but everyone was expected to stay for the credits (Letters, 13 March)
Gareth Williams
Brixton, London
Re what to wear now that spring has sprung ( 14 March), I assume these clothes are for the lady of the manor supervising her team of gardeners?
Margaret Vandecasteele
Cupar, Fife